Major theme, issue, or idea in the Bible.
Examples for "biblical topic"
Examples for "biblical topic"
1The right to sanctuary is not recognised under Australian law, but is a biblical concept which had legal basis during the middle ages.
2There is also a biblical concept of the Jubilee year, in which every 50 years all property should be returned to its original owners.
3The new government will champion the biblical concept of "Greater Israel", while still pledging to pursue the peace process with its Arab neighbours.
1Tanner avoided Negro subjects and concentrated on biblical themes.
2Many of the best-known and most-loved classical compositions were written for church services, or took Biblical themes.
1Binding, I've noticed, is a huge theme in the Bible.
2Apocalyptic ideas are an important theme in the Bible.
3This is a big recurring theme in the Bible: Children mimic their parents' behavior, even the flaws, perhaps especially the flaws.
1Such mistakes never were really a part of the biblical idea.
2Let it be granted that the biblical idea was at the beginning marked by the naïve and the crude.
3The biblical idea of God, Bauthumely believed, was inadequate: sin is not an action but a condition, a falling short of our divine nature.
4Many Jews can no longer subscribe to the biblical idea of God who manifests himself in history, who, they say with Weisel, died in Auschwitz.
5The Biblical idea runs out toward deism in Duns Scotus and Calvin.
1Of course the fear's based on those...hidden ideas in the Bible, and the Talmud.
1He spoke mostly in Biblical terms and was fluent with pious speeches.
2What is the rule regarding biblical terms?
Translations for bible topic